I would love to encourage you to book out sessions in advance. I stay anywhere between 3-4 weeks booked out and rarely have cancelations. If you're interested in coming in weekly, reach out to me personally, 931-698-7206. We can try to find a day/time that works best and schedule a repeat appointment. When you arrive, you will follow the sidewalk to the left of the building and enter through the side door; my suite is straight ahead. Even though this is a shared building, it's typically pretty quiet. We will sit down to go over your health history and learn more about each other. We will come up with a game plan for the session around what your massage goals are for the day. I will explain how to get onto the table, make sure the table heat is at your preference, and step out to wash my hands while you get cozy. You'll have plenty of time to settle in before I knock to re-enter. Once I'm back in the room, I lock the door to keep us safe. After the session, I'll instruct you on how to get up safely, then lock the door on the way out so you're not feeling rushed or afraid anyone might walk in. I will be waiting for you right outside the door with a bottle of water. In a professional massage, your rights as a client include: ● The right to control the amount of pressure applied in any area of your body. ● The right to have complete privacy while dressing and undressing. ● The right to feel comfortable with the amount of clothing to be removed for the session, and the areas of your body to be touched. ● The right to talk or not talk during the session, and to share or not share your internal experiences during the session. ● The right to be draped at all times, except for the area being worked, and to feel secure with the draping techniques being used. ● The right to be listened to carefully, and treated with respect, verbally and non-verbally. ● The right to terminate the session at any time.

Helping people is my dream;
Massage is my way.

Hello! My name is Megan Batey. My childhood dream was to become a Massage Therapist. Right after high school, I began my journey at Cumberland Institute of Holistic Therapies. I graduated and became a Licensed Massage Therapist in 2010. Over the years, my massage table has landed in spas and chiropractic offices. Somewhere along the way, I decided to take the leap and rent my own space; I'm so glad I did. 

I have a passion for helping others and massage is the way I accomplish that. Each session integrates the many techniques I've learned over the years and is mapped out according to the client's needs for that day.

Some of my favorite techniques are:

  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Fascial work
  • Lymphatic Drainage
  • Local Distal Acupressure
  • Swedish

I am a firm believer that every body, no matter the size, color of the skin, identity, belief system, etc - every body deserves a massage. My hope is that when you step into my Massage Studio, you feel safe, welcomed as you are, and relaxed. Thank you for allowing me to play a part in your healing journey.

- Megan Batey, LMT

308 Beechcroft Road, Suite 1

Spring Hill, TN 37174


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